Write a function that appends two Rlists together and returns a new Rlist. The resulting Rlist should be a copy meaning that the input Rlists should not be modified AND modifying the resulting Rlist should not modify the two input Rlists.

def append_rlist_iter(a, b):
    >>> r = Rlist(1, Rlist(2))
    >>> s = Rlist(3, Rlist(4))
    >>> result = append_rlist_iter(r, s)
    >>> result
    Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3, Rlist(4))))
    >>> result.first = 5
    >>> result
    Rlist(5, Rlist(2, Rlist(3, Rlist(4))))
    >>> r
    Rlist(1, Rlist(2))
    >>> s
    Rlist(3, Rlist(4))
    "*** YOUR CODE HERE ***"

Here’s what my second discussion came up with. There’s a small bug causing the test to not pass, but a few of you wanted me to post what we came up with so that you guys can debug it on your own. Here it is:

def append_rlist_iter(a, b):
    >>> r = Rlist(1, Rlist(2))
    >>> s = Rlist(3, Rlist(4))
    >>> result = append_rlist_iter(r, s)
    >>> result
    Rlist(1, Rlist(2, Rlist(3, Rlist(4))))
    >>> result.first = 5
    >>> result
    Rlist(5, Rlist(2, Rlist(3, Rlist(4))))
    >>> r
    Rlist(1, Rlist(2))
    >>> s
    Rlist(3, Rlist(4))

    *** Here's what my second discussion came up with. There's a bug! Try and find it ***
    result = Rlist.empty
    final_result = result
    if a is not Rlist.empty:
        result = Rlist(a.first)
        a = a.rest
        while a is not Rlist.empty:
            result.rest = Rlist(a.first)
            a = a.rest
            result = result.rest

    if b is not Rlist.empty:
        if result is Rlist.empty:
            result = Rlist(b.first)
            b = b.rest
        while b is not Rlist.empty:
            result.rest = Rlist(b.first)
            b = b.rest
            result = result.rest
    return final_result

My solution will be posted later (along with the recursive and tail-recursive solutions).

I don't claim to be perfect so if you find an error on this page, please send me an email preferably with a link to this page so that I know what I need to fix!

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