Is My Tree Binary and Searchable?
This problem uses the Tree Class defined here.
Given an input tree, we want to test if the tree is a binary search tree. A tree is a binary search tree if for each of its branches, all of the values on the left subtree are less than the entry and all of the values on the right subtree are greater than the entry.
def is_binary_search_tree(tree):
>>> t = Tree(3, Tree(2), Tree(4))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(t)
>>> t = Tree(5, Tree(1, Tree(3)), Tree(6, Tree(10)))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(t)
>>> s = Tree(10, Tree(5, Tree(3, None, Tree(4))), Tree(20, Tree(15), Tree(30, None, Tree(40, Tree(31)))))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(s)
def is_binary_search_tree(tree):
>>> t = Tree(3, Tree(2), Tree(4))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(t)
>>> t = Tree(5, Tree(1, Tree(3)), Tree(6, Tree(10)))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(t)
>>> s = Tree(10, Tree(5, Tree(3, None, Tree(4))), Tree(20, Tree(15), Tree(30, None, Tree(40, Tree(31)))))
>>> is_binary_search_tree(s)
def is_bst_helper(tree, min_value, max_value):
if tree is None:
return True
check_left = is_bst_helper(tree.left, min_value, tree.entry)
check_right = is_bst_helper(tree.right, tree.entry, max_value)
if tree.entry > min_value and tree.entry <= max_value and check_left and check_right:
return True
return False
return is_bst_helper(tree, -float('inf'), float('inf'))
I don't claim to be perfect so if you find an error on this page, please send me an email preferably with a link to this page so that I know what I need to fix!