Stacks and Queues are popular abstract data structures that represent fundamental ideas in programming and more specifically data structures. One popular interview question is to mimic the functionality of a queue using two stacks. This question takes that a step further by requiring the queue to be made out of a single stack. Recall what fundamental idea stacks are related to and this question will be a breeze.
Write your solution in any language you like. We have solutions below for the following languages:
# One Stack, One Queue - Python Solution
# By: Mark Miyashita
class Queue(object):
"""Build a queue using only one stack."""
def __init__(self):
self.items = []
def enqueue(self, item):
"""Adds an item to the queue.
>>> q = Queue()
>>> q
>>> q.enqueue(1)
>>> q
>>> q.enqueue(4)
>>> q
[1, 4]
def dequeue(self):
"""Removes the first item in the queue.
>>> q = Queue()
>>> q
>>> q.enqueue(14)
>>> q.enqueue(123)
>>> q
[14, 123]
>>> q.dequeue()
>>> q
temp = self.items.pop()
if not self.items:
return temp
item = self.dequeue()
return item
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.items)